Wednesday 10 June 2015

Pocahontas - 8 / 10

Back we go to animation, Pocahontas was one of the more exciting watches of the Disney-a-thon. Weird for a fully grown man to admit, perhaps ... but come on, this is a great movie. 

What I didn't realise was that this movie starred Mel Gibson as John Smith. Would never have guessed. When I was younger I always thought John Smith was pretty cool; The British guy who gets the hottie princess. 

To find out the British guy is not so British ... well, disappointment over here. 

But still, such a gentleman! 

(Let's ignore that actual, true to life story where his gentlemanliness (a new word?) could quite easily be questioned)

Let's get a move on then, what makes this movie so darn awesome?

The music. 

This may not be the most manly thing to admit, but this still raises hairs on my arms ...

Such. A. Good. Song!

It won an Oscar, too, which is mega deserved. 

And that's not the only amazing song, either! 'Just around the riverbend' is also worth a YouTubing if you want to melt into Disney. 


Pocahontas is kinda hot. 

I know, that's weird. 

But you know it's true, she is a feisty, pretty Princess. 

Meeko the raccoon. 

Not only is he a funny animal character done well ... 

But he loves to eat!! 

Which frankly, makes him the most relatable character in the DisneyVerse for me, as anyone reading my wedding diet blog will surely agree with! 

Meets a strange British man? It's cool, he offered food. 

That's my kinda raccoon! Go get them treats, buddy! 

Percy the Pug. 

That's right, Disney included pugs before they were cool. 

And not only that, but this is a pug that has character development! He starts off a bit pompous, and well ... British. But by the end, he is friends with our food-loving Meeko and is firmly on the side of the good guys. 

Good Percy. 

Just like Mulan, Pocahontas has some of the most incredibly awesome artwork. No doubt that Disney knew what they were doing when they were crafting worlds in the 90's

All the colours of the wind, indeed. 

So yes, an easy decision to give an 8 out of 10. I toyed with an 8.5, but is this really better than Mulan? I'm not so sure ... 

Apparently there is still a chance I will see 'Pocahontas and her forest friends' at Disneyworld, in the Animal Kingdom. Unfortunately, this doesn't actually sound that good. 

There we are, as a final parting thought - has there ever been a more terrifying sight than a tree turning into an old woman's face?

I didn't think so. 

"Pocahontas, look at me. I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you."

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